Thursday, February 5, 2009

It has to start somewhere....

Dear Friends,

We know that the address for this blog is terrible. Very lame. But it made Phil laugh, in fact, he thought it was great.

This blog has been created to help keep everyone in the loop and updated as we head out on this journey together. I feel like this is an accurate way of sharing information, because it can be updated quickly, as things change and as people change their minds etc....

It's hard enough with the six kids in our family to keep everyone on the same page. But we want you to be.

For now other than what is in the background (that i am about to write!) we don't have any news....other than the fact that we are going on a 10 day family holiday to have some quality time (till the 15th feb...count backwards).

We will see you when we get back!



  1. We're with you all the way phil! and, i love the blog Kris keep it updated!

  2. Kris, the blog title rocks. And yay for blogs! Hope you guys have/have had a great holiday. Let L & me know when we can be helpful. Cooking, washing, shopping, hugs, going out for fairtrade name it, we'll do it!

  3. heyphil love yoouu heappss xx dollyy see yoou soon hopefullly

  4. Hope the family time is fun and a good time to just enjoy each other's company

  5. I know you'll be having a wonderful and memorable time. Enjoy. Kris, thank you for this blog. It helps us know exactly which area to pray in. With love and prayerful support
