Monday, September 28, 2009

Almost 9

Phil is ready to check out. Please pray for peace for him.

Please pray that he wouldn't be anxious. We are sitting around waiting. Kind of a strange thing to be doing. Like waiting for a big event, that will actually be an anti-climax (weird eh)- kris smiles and shrugs.

Kris x


  1. Praying for strength and above all peace for you all
    Glennie xox

  2. Our prayers are with Phillip that he may not suffer any longer than he has to. Our prayers are with your mum and dad and for all you kids. God is with him, which I know will give him and all of you peace knowing that he is going to a better place where he will no longer be in pain and suffer any more than he has in his life here. Thank you Kris for keeping us all updated, so that we can continue to pray for all your needs. The Lynch's

  3. I have been praying and will continue to pray for God's peace to be with you and the family at this difficult time. Jodie

  4. im so sorry to hear the time is coming.. but im sure phil will be having a party and waiting for us!! my prayers and thoughts are with you all xoxo

  5. Thank you for the updates Kris. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll be praying for peace for Phil and for the family. I pray that you will be okay as well; it is hard to read about it and I can't imagine what it must be like to go through it.
    Sending you all good thoughts via cyberspace and telepathy..

  6. The Lacy family are praying for you all, we have just spent time praying for Phillip that he will experience a supernatural peace given only by Jesus. Love to you all.

  7. Hey Kris, we all just got done praying for y'all at small group. God's peace to you... Lex

  8. Hi, we all prayed for you guys in our devotions tonight
    God bless
    love Emily and others from Mill Valley Ranch

  9. praying for you all, God is always good.
    - shell & tim

  10. Dear Guilford family, praying for God's perfect peace for Phil, and praying for God's perfect peace for all of you, his devoted family. Praying that you feel us all upholding you in prayer. In Christ's love, and in constant prayer for you all. Caroline Weatherhead
